Ready Meals
With the growing demand for ready meals and convenience foods across Europe, Ishida has built an unrivalled body of expertise and some of the world's most advanced lines for packing food in trays, packs and bags.
From multihead weighing to inspecting complex and simple ready meals to the most demanding retail standards, we have an in-depth understanding of your packing requirements:
- Optimal weighing and packing speeds to maximise capacity
- Guaranteed hygienic integrity through IP certification and stainless steel components
- Prevention of sticking to optimise flow of meat, vegetables, pasta, sauces etc
- Easy cleaning and maintenance for minimal downtime
- Flexibility for rapid product / pack changeover Improved pack presentation; bags, trays and other formats
- Elongation of shelf life using MAP
- Enhanced product presentation through optimised meal construction.
Typical ready meal line
Ishida has developed a wide range of innovative products and services which offer complete solutions for the fresh produce industry, frommultihead weighing and tray sealing through checkweighing, metal detection and weigh-price-labelling to sealtesting and end of line pick-and-place casepacking. We can design and install bespoke integrated lines to fit precisely with your individual requirements.